Friday, February 26, 2010

Marius Schneider and Orfeu

Hi there "M"! Here's the video I promised to show you:This is a good example of SOFT and supple riding in full harmony. Marcus Schneider is one of Bent Branderup's foremost students. Only 29 years old, he has his own training stable and practice expression ahead of perfection. Words from C.

Hi there "S"! These are the photos I talked about last time and now I'm posting them for you:Here are photos of a spanish horse. Actually a P - R - E. The owner told me that these horses are bred to have their hind legs camped under (positioned more under the body) in order to make it easier for the horse to step in under and carry the rider correctly. I have never heard about this before! In my opinion, it looks slightly camped under. The front legs looks like calf knees (sabelbenad) and the hind show sickle hocks (kohasighet). I have to read the race standard - anyone that knows if this is what we want to achieve in a P-R-E? (This was a very OLD stallion and apparently a bit underweight)


klara said...

hittade bara några bilder på mammans sida där, men hon har släkt lååååångt bakår då också :p

verkligen najs film hörru ! kanske borde bli lite seriösare i dressyren själv, haha anky är inte så grym asså :S

Bonden said...

det är riktigt häftigt!

Ja filmen är bra - snacka om mjuk känsla. Anky är verkligen riktigt hemsk!

klara said...

jag har 3xs i min kingsland jacka :) as skön ! svarade sent, va i åre :p

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