Tuesday, December 21, 2010


This was a morning a couple of days ago, the horses had just gotten their hay in the pasture. The view is all gone due to the snowy fog, looks pretty neat.

Merry Christmas to you all and let us hope that the summertime will arrive any day soon!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fetch the dish-brush

Yesterday we started playing fetch with a dish-brush.
Since she has to stay in her box for 1.5 months after the surgery, I need to try to find out different ways to give her some mental stimulation. We've only had three sessions with fetching and this is how far we've gotten at the moment.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Moneypenny in the hospital

While in hospital - Moneypenny has had colic two times. One postoperatively due to the anaesthetics, and the second time it was because of the sedation she had been given when changing her bandage. The first time it was in her ceacum (blind gut) and it took 1.5 days to resolve - it can take up to 4-5 days! Because the oil given orally is kind of shunted passed the caecum, just passing from the ileum to the colon - instead of going into the blind gut and helping in resolving the situation.
The second time it was in her small intestine, she rolled and was in pain. Of course she was given analgesic drugs and everything that comes with it.

The vet. had to sedate her because she didn't like to stand still, lifting her hoof under the entire procedure, and this in turn, is probably because she didn't like to be put in a small tight examination box during the procedure - in a very non-horse-atmospheric-futuristic-room. She tried to jump over the edges of the box (was over with her fore legs!) and reared and so on.

So, today I was going to be there in order to keep her calm (with one kg of carrots) and everything went fine. We didn't even step into the examination box since she gets so stressed (we were outside her own box). Everything went fine this time and we thereby managed to avoid administration of sedative drugs - so she won't have any more colic!!!!

The wound looked fine, there is granulation tissue covering most of it and there was only minimal bleeding. In a few days she'll most likely get a special shoe with a metal plate that is to be screwed on and off, after changing the tampons in her hole - and then she'll come home! :)

Has she only got one leg?

Difference in size!

While MP is in the hospital - a new house is being built for her which she can use as a shelter in her pasture whenever she gets well again:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Now they have surgically removed Moneypennys keratoma

Everything went fine and so did the anaesthesia. She was anaesthetized for about one hour. It was enormously interesting to watch it and I have loads of pictures (coming soon) because I got to use one of the (three!) veterinarians Nikon D50 - because we all wanted pictures - both for educational purposes, and for my own private interest.

They have not diagnosed keratoma per se, because there obviously wasn't material enough to make a histological examination, but they say that there is a high probability that it is a keratoma, since it isn't very common with abscesses in that area of the hoof.

Moneypenny is a fighter and I'm sure she'll recover to be a nice and sound horse again! And let's hope that it doesn't reoccur!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Moneypenny will undergo surgery tomorrow

As some of you already know, I discovered a strange structure in my horse's left front hoof that protruded out in a circular formation. I took the knife and cut it over and found this:

I hadn't seen anything like it before so I called my ferrier who came and told me that it might be a keratoma, which has to be removed surgically in a veterinary clinic.

She has now been diagnosed with keratoma and will be operated on tomorrow - read about the condition here:

Furthermore, I found other problems in both hind feet which could be canker:


They have not yet diagnosed this - but I'm just waiting for it to come, and it does not look that good in my opinion.

All of this because of a f*king wet rainy disastrous summer. Just another proof of why we will move south!

I loath our climate - it is eating my horse!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Beautiful animals part 2!

On the raft on the river

Took a shower...


Life is wonderful

Hvor dejligt med sol!


Too hot!

Beautiful animals!


Downtown Copenhagen




Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

The swedish ocean this morning - and the ponies

När ska vi få gå och käka gräs i gräshagen EGENTLIGEN???

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hugo dog i cancer

Tumörer på mjälte och lever, det var inget annat att göra än att ge en spruta när han låg i narkos på operation. Korven kommer bli saknad, men vi har haft mycket kul med honom under åren som varit! Här är lite bilder och filmer bara någon dag innan han blev dålig - som tur var gick det snabbt!

Hugo o Likör på stranden - klicka för förstoring

Blåsigt - bomullshunden far nästan iväg!

Överallt var Hugo med:

Men ibland var han svårfångad på bild:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Korven är dålig!

Hugo har sedan i tisdags kväll varit hängig, ligger inte med huvudet på tassarna som han brukar när han ska sova - håller upp huvudet när han ligger ner. Hade lite ljusare slemhinnor och ev. lite långsam kapillärfyllnadstid (CRT).

onsdagen bajsade han lite på morgonen. Senare åkte han med i bil till en kompis och inte förrän senare på dagen skulle vi gå 2 km som vi brukar - då gick han riktigt långsamt, svansen slokade och han verkade mycket sämre. Han ville inte dricka efter turen vilket aldrig har hänt förr. Förstoppning? Tveksamt då han bajsat på morgonen och en liten liten bit skinka slank utan tvekan ner. Lite undertempererad (37.3) och ljusa slemhinnor (anemi?). Jag rekommenderade DÄ att uppsöka veterinär asap, men far valde att avvakta lite. På kvällen åt han hälften av sitt sedvanligt uppblötta torrfoder med 1 tsk matolja i, ifall det vore stopp i tarmen.

torsdagen var Hugo mkt sämre, porslinsvita slemhinnor (anemi?), lite förhöjd andningsfrekvens (pga anemi??? isf --> dålig syresättning--> ökad andningsfrekvens), undertempererad (37.4). Orkade inte riktigt gå och rör sig som vanligt. Senare på dagen åkte far in med Hugo till veterinären.
Det fanns nästan inget blod att tappa för blodprov - antagligen pga perifer vasokonstriktion och därmed mer koncentration till vitala organ som hjärta, hjärna, njurar och lever. Röntgen visade inget särskilt enligt far, ev. förstorad mjälte - ev. tumör på denna? Mjälten går ju att leva utan, men om en ev. tumör metastaserat är det nog inte mycket att be för. Hugo får blodtransfusion, de kan ej öppna upp innan Hugos tillstånd stabiliserats, om han blir piggare ikväll ska han opereras, annars i morgon.

Vidare rapport följer!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Spinach soup with shrimps and eggs / Spenatsoppa med räkor och ägg

A really good soup which I've tried for the very first time! (not much into cooking I'm not)

For 3 persons
15cm of leek (purjolök)
150g of leaf spinach (bladspenat)
1 vegetable bouillon cube/ stock cube (grönsaksbuljong)
1 white garlic (vitlök)
2.5 - 3 dl water (vatten)
1dl cream (grädde)
1.5dl creme fraîche
peeled shrimps / fried king prawns for topping when served

Cut the leek into thin strips and chop the spinach a bit.
Fry the leeks in butter in a saucepan, without it taking on color, add garlic and spinach.
Fry about 5 minutes on low heat.
Crumble the stock cube and add the water - boil for a few minutes.
Pour in cream and creme fraiche, pour in the "shrimp water" (räkspad) and boil for about 10-15 minutes.

Then I ran everything through the stick blender as it became smoother (not necessary)
Pour in soup plates and add a handful of peeled shrimp or fried king prawns.
Split eggs also fits perfectly with spinach soup.

Skär purjolöken i tunna strimlor samt hacka spenaten lite. Fräs purjon i smör i kastrull utan att det tar färg tillsätt pressad vitlök och spenaten. Fräs ca 5 min på låg värme. Smula i buljongtärning samt tillsätt vattnet låt koka ett par minuter. Häll i grädde och creme fraiche samt om du använt frysta räkor häll i räkspadet / spadet från kylda räkor. Låt koka ca 10-15 minuter.
Sen körde jag allt med stavmixer så den blev slätare (behövs ej)
Häll upp soppan i tallrikar och lägg på en näve skalade räkor eller tigerräkor.
Ägghalvor passar även perfekt till spenatsoppa.

Svensk text lånad och modifierad från Katrin Zytomierskas blogg

Friday, May 28, 2010

PHK 1988 nr4 sep 193-198

Diskussionen vore fint och om det eventuellt står om KSS någon annan stans, du kan ju skumma igenom den. DETTA VAR DET SISTA!!! :D :D :D TUSIND TAK PIGE!!!!!!!! HUSK! att skriva vilken artikel det ær du øversætter så jag hittar sen =)
P.S Du måste klicka på OLDER POSTS før att se restan av artiklarna, det ær alltså alla artiklar som har postats under dagens datum. De tar slut vid ett ældre inlægg som ær daterat 20 maj, tillika de du øversatte førra gången.

PHK 2001 nr3 maj/juni Bd17

Hann inte ladda upp hela artikeln (før ditt intresse alltså) men det ær stycket om diagnostisk lokalanastesi som behøver øversættas.

PHK 2007 nr5 Bd 23

Endast diskussionen behøver øversættas hær :)

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