Friday, September 24, 2010

Now they have surgically removed Moneypennys keratoma

Everything went fine and so did the anaesthesia. She was anaesthetized for about one hour. It was enormously interesting to watch it and I have loads of pictures (coming soon) because I got to use one of the (three!) veterinarians Nikon D50 - because we all wanted pictures - both for educational purposes, and for my own private interest.

They have not diagnosed keratoma per se, because there obviously wasn't material enough to make a histological examination, but they say that there is a high probability that it is a keratoma, since it isn't very common with abscesses in that area of the hoof.

Moneypenny is a fighter and I'm sure she'll recover to be a nice and sound horse again! And let's hope that it doesn't reoccur!

1 comment:

capitán de compos said...

hello, Bonden...

mira este video!!!

vaya maravilla!!

de regalo:

besos, xose!

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