Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Horses with cool colour patterns:

Good information about the different colour patterns of American Paint Horses, such as Overo, Tobiano, Tovero, Splashed White and Sabino:

Tell me my friends, isn't it a lot of disadvantages breeding too much on colour (or any other kind of "in line" breeding)? I'm specifically thinking about the more "extreme" colourig as splashed white. It doesn't look like a natural colour, and as in all breeding (for ex. a dog with brains too big for its cranium, "kicked in" noses and so on) there are usually some negative side effects. For ex. the OLWS-syndrome where completely white foals are born with uncompleted development of the colon, resulting in death. Are there side effects like that also in Tobianos?

A reining horse from New South Wales - splashed white

What to do with a retired reiner:



anno 1929 said...

Jo jag är mycket tveksam till avel på OLWS-positiva individer.
Förespråkarna för anser att viktigt genmaterial/ variation går förlorad men är det inte bättre att avla bort sådana grava defekter?

Hoppas att du mår bra! Läste nedan om MP stooora framsteg när det gäller frihetsdressyr! Duktiga du=)

Ha det/ Kram kram byfånen på berget.

ps- tro det eller ej, Daisy börjar se slank ut:) OCH tom nordsvensken i hagen har tappat lite ister! Haha bra med kuperad skogshage

Bästisen said...

I agree with you there, breeding for a specific quality isn't good for the development of the breed. The tobiano, however, is saved from a lot of "specific qualities breeding". It is more like the old time quarter horse. The quarter horse of today is bred for a specicif competition event, like a pleasure quarter, a reining quarter, a cutting quarter etc, as the paint overos mostly are bred for pleasure and halter (and colour of course). For some reason, that's not been interesting with the paint tobiano breeding, so they're pretty much left the way they used to be in the "old times". A ranch horse.

Bonden said...
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Bonden said...

anno 1929>> Hej, jo jag håller med dig, det är väl den avvägningen som hela tiden görs - genetisk variation versus specialisering och därmed inavel/defekter.

Jo MP har det bra =) Kul att Daisyn är lite smalare =)=)=)

Bästisen>> Yeah that's really good! It's not that often nowadays one see an animal who's not extremely breeded in a certain direction. The Overo is beautiful - but unfortunately not very natural.

I like healthy horses! (and dogs with normal noses who can breath, and skulls where there's space enough for the brains)

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