Thursday, August 28, 2008

Genetics is quite wearying...

...and here's how to illustrate that!

But Ingolf does look nice in pictures too...

...when his face is hidden in the mane ;)

Yes, that's my foot...

The pictures were taken April 15 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Old school or new school?

There are those who claim that a horse shouldn't be too soft end flexed at the poll during a sliding stop. In my opinion that was the case in the 1990's and today that has changed, just like fashion changes over the years I guess. Watch these pictures:

Old school:

Modern sliding stop:

Mallorca Western Festival 2006

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The release of the horses on the island!!!

Due to the fact that Lingeling has some troubles with insects and allergies they are now released on an island and here are some pictures where they after two weeks stay are getting released on the entire area along with the other two horses, sheep and Red Angus cattle that roam the island. The other two, in this case GIANT, horses are around 20 years old and one of them is a former trotting horse and the stout one is a native North Swedish Horse

My horses got there on this "flatboat" or barge or what you may call it in english

Here's me and my miniatures with the sea and mainland in the background

Before the release:

Nice and easy:

Ingolf is hunting some sheep...

...hunt 'em down n kill 'em


Just kidding we're friends!

Where are we?


Full speed faster than F1-cars!!!

Some of them in a glade...

Finding some minerals...


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